Sunday, January 29, 2012


Hi, it's been a while. Whoa! How i'd wish i can blog every now and then. So how are you today? Hmm. Praying you're doing great! But as for me, kinda busy -- work stuffs -- and that's the bottom line --BUSY.

It's lunch break at office wondering if where am i going to be or should i say what are my plans ahead? What gonna happen next? Hmm. Praying that God would give me wisdom to handle every situation that i'm facing through, really everything do changes. Perhaps a lot of people do change as well as every situation changes too. What next, am i ready for changes? Waaahhh. My mind is struggling, lot of thoughts keep running on my mind every now and then. Hope i could have a laptop, can somebody give me a laptop? Seriously. Wanna update my blog, today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

I've been too busy that i tend to forget what should i prioritize first. How about you in your everyday life did you even ask yourself what you should prioritize first, yeah there's a lot of stuffs here on earth but take this moment to stop and pause for a while and ask yourself what should be your priority? Is your time being used in a proper way or just being wasted? What is your routine, eat-work-sleep? Don't be too busy that when you dial the hotline in heaven GOD would say His too BUSY to answer you. Oh common!
It's time to change your lifestyle and prioritize what matter most. Don't waste your energy here on earth doing things that make you comfortable, go out in your comfort zone, live life to the fullest that would glorify God and betcha everything else will follow, blessings will run after you and joy will breaks into your life! So what are you waiting for? :)

"But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things will be given well." -Matthew 6:33

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