"Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God."
-Philippians 1:3 (THE MESSAGE)
"I thank my God every time I remember you."
-Philippians 1:3(NIV)
Every time i think of you, I give thanks to my God."
-Philippians 1:3(NLT)
October 31, 2011 - A memoir, cannot be replaced. It is mark inside my heart. It was a day where God gave us the chance to bond with each other, it's not an accident -- it's God's will. A new family born, new people who touch my heart, new people who made a great impact in my life, they will always be a part of my life whom i will treasure forever.
It was a fun day, worry free, having that child-like faith! Cosplay, DDR, videoke, and basta super enjoy lang. Fun.fun.fun. Not worrying on what to do but enjoying the time with them praying that the time would just stop so we can bond more. Whoa! Like what more can i say with this people? Haha. I couldn't ask for more baby. Oh baby, baby,baby. Haha. Feels like i wanna sing with them again!!! Err, i'm missing them so much! Again and again and again and always again as in i will repeat it again, you guys seriously i'm thankful for your lives, Dad Darby, Baby Bro Shan, Baby Fhen. Thank you guys, i love you so much! You put a smile in my heart, praying for upcoming bondings and my we get more closer and grown up as one family. We may be busier with our own career and far at distance at times but the love that God instilled to us cannot be replaced. I miss you, seriously. Remember i'm always here for you, love you with the love of God! May God bless more our relationship with each other. Love my family, love you! =)
#CapturedMoments =)

After DDR, with Fhen and Shan, super sweet! Fhen, my baby beautiful girl whom surely you'll love to be with. =)

Our Family Portrait. Dad Darby, Daughter Carizza, Baby Fhen, Son Shan. A family that surrounded by God's love. Thank you for that so called love Big Daddy God. =)
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