Wednesday, June 22, 2011

GOD made me speechless! :D

I'm a bit tired of this day, after work i had to meet my friend but then i told him that we just cancel our dinner and just have it tomorrow, coz really i wanna go home. Upon arriving home i slept, i woke up around 10pm. Eat dinner, while reading notifications on fb and this one made me excite.
A Wildfire Hislife tagged a photo of you. 1:32pm as of June 22,2011
What's on my mind first? Hmm. "Nanu ya kaya ing picture a tinag da?" So i opened it up. And this is the link

(click it for you to view it.) After i view it, due to sleepiness and hungriness. haha. I just said, "Ah ok, DW sched pala. Ot mktag ku ala neman lagyu ku." After a while mehimasmasan ku and i saw my name. Kaboom! September 29. I do remember once i said to this year i will exhort DW. And what happen? Haha. It's all about Jesus! Trusting Him in His ways. :)

And i wanna share something that changed me a lot, the fact that i don't get envy with other people after having my conversation with Kuya Dan, really a total change of heart. Like before whenever my kapatid in LG had to word in LG i easily get disappointed with myself asking - don't i possess the quality of a leader that's why i didn't have that chance? I easily get envy with small things but guess what nowadays i don't feel the way i used to be before, my kapatids in LG will exhort DW and i don't feel anything about it, i'm happy for them. Coz i know everything has a perfect timing. I don't have to waste my time getting envy with what they achieve, for i am unique. Should i not compare myself and whoa i'm thankful with Kuya Dan and my mentor John for always guiding me. :)

Behind all this happenings, it's not an accident. God made it for a purpose. A lot of revelations that i encountered really i wanna share, first is FAITH. then SILENCE OF THE HEART. or my journey today that still i'm waiting for more revelation - 40DAYS, 4ONIGHTS. But then i was rebuke with my own self, why should i do the planning on what my word would be for that current day? Ok, i'll just let God's will to be done. The span of time is too long for me to prepare, praying my spiritual maturity would grow and praying for God's wisdom. Wisdom is seeing life from God’s point of view. Wisdom is the ability to make decisions the way God makes decisions. I must act in faith that on that certain day I would just bring glory for our Greatest King -- our God -- only HIM being lifted higher, not me nor my revelations but only GOD alone. :)

"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind." -JAMES 1:5-6 (NLT)

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