Monday, May 10, 2010

TIME with THEM =)

05-08-10 [SATURDAY]
A day before the fiesta -- a tiring day, everyone on my mother side were busy cooking and i can't do nothing but to be the best TAGS(sabi nga ni chubs.haha^^) TAGS as in tagahiwa, tagalagay, basta may taga.. haha.. obviously i'm not that into cooking that's why when i have chance to escape i'm grabbing the opportunity and i would only sleep.. haha.. :)
Saturday night and i'm with my lola's house helping them to assist their visitors and as usual they're asking for my boyfriend and as a usual my answer is that i don't have boyfriend at all and they won't believe, they would just asked me my ex-boyfriend the first one though they don't know that we had our past relation still they always ask him all over again it's because my tito's boss was his uncle. And his uncle come that night with his wife and siblings luckily my ex wasn't with them..
After a while when their visitors were only few i got the chance to go to my cousins (father side).. and wee! i'm with them, it's bonding time.. The friends of my cousin were there too and i'm close with them, we throw jokes with each other.. I find myself laughing and laughing, enjoying each other company.. And guess what, that night we sleep in the computer shop.. haha :)

FIESTA! wee.. we wake up early and we helped our titas'(father side) on doing the cooking as usual my role - TAGS.. =) stepping stone.. haha =)
I had my visitor for the first time and this two people are so dear to me.. We had bonded moments even for a while. And no doubt i enjoyed their company, i used being with them and i bet i just missed them. I felt sorry that i can't hug him, haha.. but it's ok, for God's glory -- endure! =)
When they left i had dinner with my cousins, the last supper.. haha.. just kidding, i was so happy that i eat again with the same table with my everdearest cousin - King, i missed this guy a lot.. I ate with them, i'm the only girl in that table, whoa! I would miss this thing maybe on Christmas is the next event that we can be together again.. =(
After that, we go to poblacion and we watched sta cruzan. While waiting for it we had time for pictorials, haha.. We loved capturing our bonded moments.. And whoa, when the artists were already there we find ourselves shouting their names.. haha.. We're not an avid fan of them but it's so kiligs when he smiles.. haha.. I'm pertaining to Will D. --this video was taken that night - so closed.. =)

After seeing them, we went back to our cousin's house and decided not to see the singing contest, i got tired and feel something unusual. I hate feeling that way - i had hard time in breathing. =( But Praise God, nothing happened to me. =)

First time to vote and i'm so excited, haha.. Honestly i don't know who will i vote then, coz i knew nothing about politics. I just asked my tatay and relatives whom shall i vote and they give me a copy.. haha.. Before going to my precinct, i had a bonding time with my little cousin and he kept cheering for Bestre David, his tito running for councilor.. This video was my little cousin showing how he his supportive with his tito..

In a while, we went voting then.. And whoa it's so hot! My head aches then, i thought it would only be for a while but i waited for 150minutes before i finished voting. It's just like taking exams in school - shading.. haha.. but the time we've waited is worth a while for the betterment of our country atleast i have patience in waiting and made my vote be counted and i become a part of the election2010 ^^.
I didn't have my lunched then i just ate mangoes and then sleep when i arrived in my cousin's house. =)
We had pictorial then too - my pregnant cousins - we took shots of her.. ^^.
We ate together with the same table with my lola's house (father side).. whoa.. i'll surely miss this bonded moments with them..
And this night also i was so favored that i received a text from Laus Company inviting me for an examination and interview at the same time. I was so lucky enough, because i received a text message while unfortunately my friend (mye) didn't. (hope so one of this days she would received a message too.) But then I don't have my TOR, haha.. It sounds funny that i don't worry that much though my requirements were not complete.. I just go out and went to the shop to unwind together with my cousins and this video ws them -- having fun with them. Endless Laughters.. indeed Ramirez were so talented.. :)

After taking up their video i go to my lola's house and decided there to sleep coz i will go home early. I slept together with my li'l cousin - janvier, i feel pity for him that he woke up many times because of his fever. For a while i just hold him and start praying for him, for his pain to be lessen i can't bear seeing and hearing him crying. =( Praise God after a while he was calm and fell asleep. =)

Wee! I'm so excited to go to Laus.. ^^. But oopsie! when i arrived at home they don't want me to go, because no one would be in charge of the workers at home.. No choice, i didn't pursue to go in Laus. A tear feell on my eyes, thinking it was my chance then but i just can't go. I go to the room of my kuya and close my eyes, then in a while i thought of texting Mr. Cj - the one who texted me last night saying sorry for i can't come and hoping that he would reschedule my exam. And once again I feel so favored and he set a new schedule for me -- Tuesday next week! =)
Whoa whatta a way to start a day.. It won't end up with nothing.. Thanks Daddy God ^^.
--then after that i'm ok, no more sadness so i decided to wash our clothes.. while singing praise for Him.. ^^.


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