Sunday, August 28, 2011



Isn't it most people wanted someone to share his/her secrets? We're humans, we need caressed, we need that crying shoulder most of the time. Right? And hey! God wanted us to trust Him through a friend. Someone you feel like speaking up and that person must be a trustworthy one. =)

Really feels good when someone is sharing his/her burdens to you. Why don't you be that secret friend keepers to your friends. It's good, God wanted us to be a channel of His love that's why He send somebody else in a person life in times of need. =)

Be that someone and be careful! God trust you that's why you're friend entrust his deepest secrets to you. Thank God for making you that trustworthy person. You're accountable on that person coz God trust you so much! Isn't that sweet? And God's promise to you? Here is it. Be ready!

"As for you taking care of your friends, being a listener in his/her ups and downs. God is now telling you that He'll handle every burden in your life. He'll be the solution in every problem while you're busy helping your friend!"

And if you're in the place of seeking for a friend to share your secrets, ask God. Pour out your heart ans pray to send someone you can depend on. God knows what you're need, He'll send it at the right time.

Right now i have a secret and i wanna share that secret to you here is it:
God loves you and God has a wonderful plan for you! Whoops! That's a secret. Sssshh! So sweet right, you can tell it unto others coz i trust you to be my secret keeper with God! I love you with the love of God! that's another secret. :)

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