Saturday, August 7, 2010



Living on purpose is the path to peace. And knowing your purpose here on earth will make a big impact in your life. If you want your life to have impact, focus on it! Focus on the things that would bring glory to our King! :)

I miss Dad. Worshiping in His house today made me feel more nearer to Him. Surrendering. No words can explained the joy i'm feeling right now. And it's all because of you Dad! And whoa Romans 8:31 says that "If God is with us, who can be against us?" Yeah! :)

On our way home guess what, Manong Driver was drunk, we're riding in the front seat beside him and whoa he drives fast that make me screamed not that loud but we're so closed to death, plus the lights of the jeepney were on and off. It scares me. I pray.pray.pray to be safe on our trip. Whoa! Praise God. And it's all because of Jesus I'm alive.

And because of the rain, allergies appeared. Dirty water causes my foot to be irritated. My skin is so sensitive and i hate it. And right now, i'm not that so inspired to write this blog. I just can't think of the next words to say. Haha. (bawi ako next blog.enjoy reading pa din readers.haha)

Dad, thank you for this day. And from now on i will be focus on the things that will bring glory to you. I love you Dad. :)

***PURPOSE-Glorify Our God(DAD)***

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