July 18,2011 -- Process my SSS I.D., visit a friend, bonding with GG(watched HP7).
Everything happens for a reason and there's no accident.
I went to SSS early and finished all the stuffs that i had to. Been there so early, it's a must for the customers to joined the flag seremony of the company (i don't know about that.) After 5 years, it's the first time again i sang Lupang Hinirang, recite the Panatang Makabayan and guess what there is a SSS hymn, i didn't sing that coz i don't know the lyrics. Haha. After that i was so favored that the guy let me to be first in line that's why i finished so early. Praise God! ;)
Next destination, i visited Kyzza because I was thinking that Gg would woke up after lunch. Haha. But guess what, he woke up early and i was amazed that he was en route to kyzza's house also. Whoa! Favored. I don't have to wait for him no more. :)
A picture of me(in the bed-doing nothing.haha), Gg(John Michael Liwanag-fixing the pc of SA) and SA(the one taking the picture-Kyzza Castilla.)

En route to angeles, and we're about to seperate ways with Kyzza yet we don't have plans what Gg and I would suppose to do. He decided to watch movie, and he treat me (favored again! haha) We watched Harry Potter 7, we're not fanatic - we've got no choice. Haha. And it was first time at the cinema that we're eating fruits and drinking H20! Whoa! Healthy living. :)
Rewind. While we are in the jeepney, Gg and i we're sharing. And he shared to me the 5F's.
Fresh Air, Fitness, Food, Fruits, and lastly Faith! :) And he knows that i always get sick, that he reminds me to deal with my health and put attention to it, because our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We must really take good care of it. :)
Watching HP7 got rhemas after the movie, and i cried while watching it. It was on the part that Harry said "I am ready to die." Harry plays like Jesus Christ in the movie, like what Jesus did for all of us. He died on the cross. And while watching the movie, this word keeps repeating on my head. "GANITO KITA KAMAHAL." ( Jesus is on the cross and his arms stretched saying -- THIS IS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU. ) I was so speechless then and my eyes were in tears.
And the part that Harry's mom said that, "I never leave you, we're always here." It's our God saying that, "He never abandon us, since the day that we're born He's always there for us yet sometimes we were to hard headed that we tend to go on the wrong path. But God never leave us, and though thousand times we failed still His mercy remains. Awesome God! Grace! Unfailing love! :)
My day was filled with God's love, wherever I am He's been there talking to me in different ways. Just always open your heart and listen on what God says for you each day. :)
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