Hi Perfect Love! Saturday, July 16,2011 i was filled with God's love.
Love is overflowing within, unexpectedly God gave me the privilege to share and pray for the youth. All over the place i can see God's grace, sharing time and one on one with Glyze before i listen to the word. But so sad that i didn't make it with our Life Group, i attended the second gig.
The gig was a blast, filled with joy. From the start til the end of the word i caught myself laughing all over again. Reality bites that as i was growing old i'm looking forward for that Perfect Love -- The Marriage. Kuya Ru mentioned at the gig, "SAVE THE FIRST FOR THE LAST." I was healed at that moment, and praying that God would give my Perfect Love at the moment that my heart is ready to love. And we all know that it will come at God's perfect timing. Patiently Endure! :)
Funny how sometimes i dream of a guy that would just held my hand and take me for a dance, sweet dance though there is no music at all. Maybe tears would fall if someone would do that for me. Weirdo me. ^^
And that's it. It's been a great day. No worries, no struggles, i was filled with God's love that made me strong at the moment the enemy wanted to steal my joy within me. Thank you for the love Daddy God, i know it's You who protect me from that moment and told me so:
If you wanted that Perfect Love to come your way pray for it, sincerely from the heart and mostly you must:
"Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love." -1JOHN4:18(NLT)
"Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires." -PSALM37:4(NLT)
**You only have to obey God's will -- no more, no less. TRUST HIM! :)
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