Friday, July 9, 2010


Title: Blind!
Text: Matthew 9
Mechanics: Read the text. Blindfold yourself for thirty (30) minutes while reflecting on the read verse.

Whoa this devotion in action it was so great, as in i had a great time reflecting and find myself reminiscing about what happened in the past. I talked to Daddy God, and at first i'm just singing songs of praise in my mind ("here I am Lord.." & "i offer my Life to you Lord..") that lyrics of that certain songs just keep playing in my mind. And the remaining minutes it's like a flashback, the persons whom i loved so dearly - family, friends, relatives, etc. It was so dark, i can barely see nothing but i focus and wanna talk to Our King, what did i see? His sufferings, how he died for us. Tears starts to fall, and i felt so sorry for i have sinned. Feeling sorry for all the wrongs i've done and thanking all the people who were always there for me. I miss and how i'd liked to say to those all persons whom i'd seen during this devotion that I love them so and i'm so blessed having them in my life. Thank you too Daddy God for making me remind all the good and bad things that happened in the past, i never regret all the sadness and joy. I surpassed it all and now here i am - i change a lot and i'm ready to serve you. All glory and honor are yours!:)

So when you cry it's a good thing to blindfold yourself, it sounds funny but that's the only way to remind you that though you're all alone crying still in that dark experience when tears start to fall, no need to wipe your tears and if you focus you can see Daddy God, just talked to Him and eventually your tears would stop falling because you'll realize you're not really all alone by yourself, if you just open up your heart you'll see God can feel your pain too and He'll be there for you. :)


I was having a hard time to make a decision if i should give up NSO, a job. What did I asked before, isn't it for a job? So now here's a job knocking on the the door, i'll just have to pass all the requirements next week but still i quit. Maybe you think i'm insane, now i can be employed but i didn't get the opportunity. But i tell yo, i'm not. It was a tough decision, i asked some of my friends and family and at the end of the day i end up with the decision of giving it up. I know in my heart that it isn't the job that i wanted and i believe Daddy God would give me the best opportunity if i would follow Him. I'm not disappointed with my decision, i feel joy knowing that i take the risk and i can have more time to serve our King.

BDO - "We find ways." but GOD will make a way.. Alright! Looking forward for my ever first job! :)

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