at this moment, i'm starting to live my life the way i wanted it to be, what more when God gives me the right moment so i can Glorify Him more without no one is controlling me or stopping me from doing such a thing. .and i know with God -- NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.. :))
@GIG - i was moved again. whoa! whatta a feeling to be in His home.. plus i had a mentoring with my LG leader, truly i was blessed. .and every now and then i won't stop saying thank you to Him, for him to know that i really appreciates him. To God be the Glory! :)
@SM CLARK - PANCAKE HOUSE - the first time i had an alliance with Prince Darby & Princess Rachel. whoa! haha.. we first talked about our inspiration and looking their pictures.. haha.. anyways the real agenda is to plan for this project. it makes my day more great because of this project that we're planning and the main objective? TO GLORIFY OUR GOD. wee, won't you be excited making this project when you know that your main objective was to glorify our King. I'm just so excited, and looking forward on what's gonna happened next.. who will be our companion in this project? haha.. wanna meet them soon, no clues..
--Princess Rachel - thank you though you're the reason why our meeting ended early.. haha.. hope you enjoyed the time with your friends, iloveyou! :)
--Prince Darby - i don't know why you're smiling after i pray.. haha.. thanks for that smile, i appreciate it and the conversation i had with you.. Glory to God! :)
@JEEP - on our way home, i had this chit-chat with Prince Darby and there was this li'l accident that happened he was about to picture it but he was so slow,haha.. slow to get his cam.. anyways we talked about this love issue his Princess and my Prince (where is he?) haha.. but then were both being amazed that everything happens for a reason and i hope someday will get to know my PRINCE & his PRINCESS at the right moment - God's will
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